Saturday, December 26, 2009

What are the Republican equivalents of Daily Kos and Huffington Post?

I would like to go read them and see what the other side has to say about similar topics. And don't you people tell me that nothing of that sort exists.What are the Republican equivalents of Daily Kos and Huffington Post?
Worldnetdaily and Newsmax are two of the biggest conservative sites. HuffPo, though, while mostly liberal, is unlike many of the others in that it has contributors from both sides. Daily Kos is frequently reprehensible, and I'm a liberal saying that.What are the Republican equivalents of Daily Kos and Huffington Post?
well, popular conservative online areas are free republic and matt drudge. but buyer beware, scholars have traced the obama is a muslim meme to free republic (which is more of a forum than a blog) and drudge prides itself on rumors and national enquirer-style whisperings.
As a Conservative I would also like to know.

I know Hannity and Rush and Levin are conservative talk show hosts, but I know of no Conservative site that willfully distorts the truth, and uses a few true facts as a foundation for a house of cards built on faulty logic.
Republicans cannot compete in the swine business, that is a bar only liberals can stoop to.
No clue really. I think those sites are backlash to conservative talk radio....
The White House

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