Friday, January 15, 2010

Are Hillary supporters being harrassed by Daily Kos?

According to news reports on TV and blogs on and, many Clinton supporters are being targeted by Obama supporters in order to drum them out of the blogging communities. If this is happening to you, the two sites above will provide you a site for interaction.

Also, I recommend copying all blogs which appear to be swarm attacks or other attempts to run Clinton supporters off of a blog, then sending these copies to news media and Clinton's site for follow-up.

Let's make sure the world knows what is happening. Vermin always scurry when the lights turn on them!Are Hillary supporters being harrassed by Daily Kos?
Essentially anyone who has an opinion that is anything less that a fawning glowing endorsement of Barack Obama will get plenty of negative feedback.

That is just part of politics.

I recommend that people just accept that is part of life in the political world.


This is actually a good place to practice, because when you are out campaigning door to door unless you are in a very unifrom community you will get a lot of abuse.

That is one reason why College students like to campaign for their candidates in the Collge Community but they rarely go outside of the College Community because they cannot or will not take the abuse that you get that goes along with political campaigning.

However if you plan to learn what you are really doing you need to go door to door in comminuites that are actively opposed to you and your candidate.

That means that you are going to be on the receiving end of a great deal of abuse.

That is just part of learning how to be effective in the political environment.

Here what is the worst that can happen to you?

You will get notices of violation, your account may even be suspended or revoked.

That is nothing compared with the abuse that you will have to learn to take if you really want to learn how to be an effecive campaigner in a political campaign.Are Hillary supporters being harrassed by Daily Kos?
Thank you for your support of the Hillary campaign and all you have done to help her.

But, its over, if Obama does not get the Nomination now that he is going into the Convention with the Delegate lead, blacks will riot in the streets and there will be mass chaos.

Its over. I am voting for McCain in November to put a stop to this madness.
So don't turn the lights on Hillary.
I am a Hillary supporter and have worked tremendously with her campaign...

I have met her, lovely lady... and as far as Obama, he is ruining himself...

I donated money, keep up with her strategy and also supported her on super Tuesday here in NYC.

Thanks for your support as well...

you would be surprised at all the people who really support her.

Hillary 08!
Injustice won't be tolerated.

Hillary should give it up and take the dream team ticket as a VP. And make History.

Else fight the losing battle againt repulbllicans
Yeah. Let's stand up to these delusional freaks

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