Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Could Gov. Palin's husband file suit against Daily Kos & others writing that he is not the father of his son?

Those smears are not taken seriously by anyone----

McCain/Palin '08Could Gov. Palin's husband file suit against Daily Kos %26amp; others writing that he is not the father of his son?
I hope he's not the father,according to this.

This rumor is based on a huge amount of facts that don't add up to the story that Palin has been going by. She doesn't announce that she's pregnant until she's 6 1/2 months along, which stuns her whole staff as she does not appear pregnant at all that far along. Her 16 year old daughter is taken out of school and was gone for 5-8 months (exact length unconfirmed) with mono (which only lasts 3 months at most), and this is the kicker and the most important part of the story:

On April 18th, Sarah Palin and her husband were in Texas where she was to deliver a speech at a Republican Governer's Convention. Her water broke at 4:00 AM on the night before the speech, but she decided to give the speech anyway. It only gets weirder. Instead of rushing to the hospital, she FLIES BACK TO ALASKA, an 8 hour flight. Then when she arrives in Anchorage, she drives 45 minutes away to Wasilla where she gave birth.

This is bizarre. She knew that her baby had special needs, but decided to risk harm to her and her child... for what?! No mother I know of would put herself in that amount of risk.

The best possible explanation is that she wasn't actually pregnant, and that it was her daughter's baby.

The more this story gets out, the more questions will be asked and media reporters getting to the bottom of this story. If it picks up (like I believe that it will), and IF it is true, then this is absolutely DAMNING to the Republican party and their chances of winning the election.Could Gov. Palin's husband file suit against Daily Kos %26amp; others writing that he is not the father of his son?
I wonder if they pay these people to sit around and come up with conspiracy's or if it is just people who are bored waiting for the check on the first. It really is to sad that kind of imagination could go to allot of good.I am sure they know this is part of being in the public eye , but it would probably take these losers down a notch or three if they did get sued for their slander.
I suppose he could, but would have to prove he is.

I had not heard any say he is not the father, just that she is not the mother.
I don't think he has time to deal with the lefty loons. They can't attack Palin on actual issues. They have to start spreading lies. How low can they go and make fun of a teen girl's body. Shame on them.

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