Get over it racists!
by Vera Lofaro
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Sun Sep 13, 2009 at 02:02:50 PM PDT
Barack H. Obama, has been elected the 44th President of the United States. He was democratically elected by a majority of about 54% of the votes cast. That is a fact. Also a fact, he is an American Citizen, over the age of 35 and qualified to hold the office he was elected into.
I am growing very tired of hearing from the media, so as not to alienate those opposing voices, for fear of losing their viewership, that the basis of all this Obama hate is only racism in a very small amount of these folks. It isn't, there is absolutly no other explaination for the actions and rehetoric that has been racheted up the past 8 months. Those ';leaders'; of this opposition, Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck, are doing all they can to insure that every racist fear these people have is brought to their attention.!Does this Daily Kos poster calling everyone who disagrees w/ Obama a racist epitomize a Y/A Oboma supporter?
So what she is saying is that because Obama was elected with a slight majority..the rest of America is supposed to just sit back and shut up. Sort of like the Dems did for * years.??
Doing my best little Hitler, doing my best!Does this Daily Kos poster calling everyone who disagrees w/ Obama a racist epitomize a Y/A Oboma supporter?
I do believe there is some racism involved, but that does not mean that anyone who disagrees with him is racist.
Some are, some aren't.
Personally, I don't like the Daily Kos any more than I like right wing sources.
The truth is always somewhere in the middle.
Yes, and do not discount the very real likelihood that they ARE a Y/A obot... in fact, I'd bet my Black butt that they are.
Give me a little time, I'll check.
Those that holler ';racism'; are they themselves the true racists I have found.
Daily Kos is over run with idiots.
Oh yes, it can be no other reason than overt racism, there is no way it could be dislike of his policies, or disagreement on how to accomplish something or even what to accomplish.
I mean you never heard a word form the right during eight years of Clinton did you? Or never heard anything from the left during eight years of Bush.
It is a losing tactic of the left to call people who have disagreements with how they believe things should be done, racist. And only those mindless, fall in line socialist leaning people are saying it or actually believe it.
This hopefully will answer this racist question:
Obama taught the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals program between 1985 - 1988, where he taught people to be community agitators, reformers and radicals. His wifey is guilty, too.
If you take some time and read Rules for Radicals (which is dedicated to Saul Alinskys favorite radical, SATAN HIMSELF), you will see that there are rules to follow. Rules like whenever you are in a bind with debate on a controversial issue, simply imply or outrightly accuse the people opposing you of being racists. This will, Alinsky says, make people automatically defend themselves against racism and make them look guilty because they are defending themselves.
GEE, DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? It should, because even during the Campaign when McCain never uttered one word of racism, Obama's cronies still pulled out that racist card on them. The McCains adopted a child of color, and Cindy McCain worked for years with Mother Theresa helping African children, living right there with them in the heat, disease and dared they ever accuse Cindy McCain of racism, but thats how much integrety radical leftys have, so ya cannot expect more from them.
DO THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? Read the book and get eyes opened.
Mich, hussein obama already reacted to your comment, stating his election was a ';good beginning';... A beginning???? What are all minority millionaires in the USA? thousands of minority congressmen and senators? Supreme Court Justice Thomas? General Powell? Condi Rice? Weren't all of them, for the past 6-7 decades a ';good beginning';???
What a shame! hussein, jessy jackson, al sharpton, reverend wright, rapper west, ophrah and such wipp play race card FOREVER. Because corrupted masses of parasites, produced by anti-white and extremely racist ';affirmative action'; as well as welfare - create the very base on which they all stand - true hussein's constituency.
its double standarded when we don't agree with a republican were considered unamericans
While this is an extreme opinion I think there some truth in the statement. Based on the amount of misinformation and lies which the Conservative/Republican media has been pushed into the mainstream there comes a point when you are forced to ask how can someone be so misinformed.
When you dig deeper you find that some (not many or all) but some of these individuals have an anti-Obama sentiment for no tangible reason - they prefer to discuss the relevance of the birth certificate issue, his socialist agenda etc - but at the root of the problem - what is really there?
It is only an opinion but I think that this falls under racism, to believe that America is beyond race is simply false and Obama will never be fully supported by the complete American population even if he turns around the country, clams the terrorist activities and fears, and improved the quality of life for all Americans - he will still be negatively considered by some - so as I said - you are forced to as what is really there?
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