Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do you think the Daily Kos was ever treated as badly as Joe Wilson?

It's all about political targeting and personal gain.

You don't really think liberals care about liars, do you?Do you think the Daily Kos was ever treated as badly as Joe Wilson?
Justify Joe Wilson.Please provide direct evidence from the bill that says it provides health care of illegal immigrants.If you can do that then i am on your side otherwise i would believe you post BSDo you think the Daily Kos was ever treated as badly as Joe Wilson?
Liberals have no idea with ';truth'; is! I was watching that ';man chick'; Rachel Maddow earlier this evening and she was taking cheap shots at Joe Wilson. If she thinks for one minute and Obummer is not going to make available health care to illegals, she needs her head examined.

Now that the socialist government in the white house is systematically taking over the free enterprise system, it won't be long until we will be arrested for posted our opinions on the internet.

What ever happened to ';Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness';?
It's funny that people suddenly care about the truth when the biggest liar cost us to go to war with a country, killed our solders for no good reason, and lead us into a recession. Now your worried about Americans being healthier and having to pay for it. I see your priorities!

The only decent thing I saw Bush do was dodge a shoe. His military and religious background came in handy that day just so that he wouldn't be a complete embarrassment!
Joe Wilson, has been treated more than fairly. He's a known liar, accusing Obama of something which obviously isn't true. Now, he's asking for campaign donations from his nutty supporters.

How has Joe Wilson been treated unfairly?
The Daily Kos never yelled a lie at the president during a televised speech to the senate. If they would have, then yes, I would have been just as upset.
yes, the only time I have ever heard of the Dail Kos is on FOX and right wing radio.....

and they aren't;t being polite....
Daily Kos, Assist Liberal in cover ups. GO.. JOE WILSON, the man with big balls.
what does the daily kos have to do with wilson breaking the rules at congress?
Um..we spent 8 years of lies..anyone remember Weapons of Mass Destruction...and that lie got Americans killed

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