Friday, January 15, 2010


Here's the ';Feeding Call'; on the Move page (chuckles)

Call Congress today!

Recently, news broke that the ';Blue Dog'; caucus鈥攁 group of conservative Democrats鈥攊s trying to water down the strong health care plan that the House of Representatives released a few weeks ago.1

Their main target? The public health insurance option鈥攖he heart of real health care reform, supported by 83% of Americans.2

Nothing is more comical to watch then how Move On.Org and the Daily Kos are inviting the Far Left to begin the Feeding on its own.

If your representative is a member of the Blue Dog caucus, they need to hear from you right away. Can you call today and tell them to stand with you and the overwhelming majority of Americans and support a robust public health insurance option?

The public health insurance option is key to helping lower the cost of health care and ensure all Americans have access to coverage. In order to do that, a public plan must be a strong as possible, one that is:

* Part of a broader plan to cover all of us: A strong public health insurance option must be a key piece of a reform plan that will guarantee access to quality health care for everyone in America.

* A national plan with real bargaining clout: In order to truly control costs and compete with private health insurance plans, a strong public health insurance option must be available nationwide with a broad network of providers.

* Ready on day one: Every day we wait on real reform, health care costs continue to rise. A strong public health insurance option right out of the gate is key to building a competitive program that will help control costs.

* A truly public plan: To ensure it's held to the highest standards of accountability, a public health insurance option must be truly publicly run鈥攁ccountable and transparent to Congress and to voters.

We have a once-in-a-generation chance to pass real health care reform this year鈥攁nd it all comes down to the next few weeks. If your member of Congress is part of the Blue Dog caucus, can you call today?

Then fill out the information below and let us know how it went:Anyone ELSE GRABBING POPCORN as MoveON and DAILY KOS START THE FEEDING ON ITS OWN- DEM ON DEM 0-o-0?
Night of the Long Knives... part 2.

Popcorn, get your popcorn here... this should be interesting... the sheep were led to the slaughter... we warned them, they were too busy blaming Bush...Anyone ELSE GRABBING POPCORN as MoveON and DAILY KOS START THE FEEDING ON ITS OWN- DEM ON DEM 0-o-0?
Obama's Applied Eugenics (aka OBamacrapcare) is meant to clear the social security rolls of old and sick people and when he gets his amnesty legislation and all the illegals covered, it will guarantee his dictatorship.
And they thought 60 votes would be enough. Like they wouldn't need the Republicans anymore!
Stoke that fire girl! Since you're the only one warmed by it.
Thanks for giving us free publicity. We knew we could count on you to help get the news out...

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