Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Per Daily Kos Poll, viewers gave Obama an A+ for his press preformance, will that bring out more negative?

trolls on Y/A Answers?Per Daily Kos Poll, viewers gave Obama an A+ for his press preformance, will that bring out more negative?
Yes. But then EVERYTHING brings out more trolls on Y!A. This is definitely their home away from home.Per Daily Kos Poll, viewers gave Obama an A+ for his press preformance, will that bring out more negative?
You actually believe the DailyKos? That is one of the most biased left wing propaganda web sites out there. So no kidding they gave Obama an A+.
where the rubber meets the road is when Oppenheimer's financial analyst, take stock of this financial recovery and the mega monster bank (boa), and you will see whether a press conference is more important than actual results...

the same people who HATE Fox News (the ONLY network that gives BOTH sides a voice)..... we get a post from...... (drum roll)........


Nooo... no bias there.... nope... LOL
Daily Kos? If you mean reader of daily Kos gave him an A+ well that means nothing. I would have graded him around a B+ but I still disagree with most of what he said..
An unbiased poll
Daily KOS, they are so left they would vote Stalin as a better person that FDR. Better to call that place the daily POS.
The Daily Kos users couldn't read the poll so they just picked the first answer

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