Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Is Daily Kos representative of the liberal viewpoint?

There you have it my friend, this is the mouthpiece of the socialists in the democratic party, and many of the followers are here right now, talking pure insanity.Is Daily Kos representative of the liberal viewpoint?
They are quite representative of the Liberal Left in this country these days... you might add to your list... what I fail to understand is how people with so much hate and vitriol in their system at all times haven't been eaten alive by ulcers before now... or had a vane pop from high blood pressureIs Daily Kos representative of the liberal viewpoint?
It sounds about typical for most of the rabidly anti-war types but not liberals in general. They may be too stupid to know the difference though.
There is no one liberal viewpoint. There are extremists on both sides.
not really.

Liberal viewpoints are all over the place.

As you know we have some real left-wing nut jobs that sit on our coat-tails.

Most Liberals are Moderates, but the kooks on our side make the most noise (sadly).
Yes they are and it's beyond sickening.
I only recently checked out dailykos, I can honestly say that I wasn't surprised at what I found. I am surprised however, that Democratic Candidates are attending and speaking at a Kos Convention. If I were a liberal, they would never receive my vote for that alone. To brian2412, since you brought up the KKK, maybe you can explain why Robert Byrd, WV is still a member of Congress, as he is a former recruiter for the KKK. poseursuck, your comments about Ann Coulter, this is just a guess but I'll bet you've never read her books, the only thing you hear about Miss Coulter is what the left whispers in your poor uninformed ear, how sad!
Evil is found within the nature of man. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. All Liberal insanity can be traced back to the denial of this reality.
The democrats attending the dailykos convention of hate serves to demonstrate how desparate they are for votes from the left fringe. Do you think JFK or Bobby would have even considered associating themselves with such a group? Not hardly. The democrat party is at an all time low and they know it.
No. He is representative of the extreme fringe liberal, or nutroots as they are called.

What amazes me is that the major Dem candidates are actually kowtowing to this fringe, while skipping moderate DLC events.
This is true. And his minions echo his sentiments. Sick bastard.
The Daily Kos is basically Al Jezeera for Liberals.

America gets bashed right and left!
Yes it does. The Kos shows us what liberals talk about when they are sure the only people in ear shot are liberals, sort of like Klan members from the old south. The Kos lets us hear liberals when they feel no one can find out who they are, sort of like wearing a pointy hood. Yes they are hate filled, ignorant but still hate filled
Must be more of that tolernace i keep hearing about....If it had been a terrorist that died, kos would be up in arms...
Are the KKK representative of the conservative viewpoint?

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